Our Nature / Field Journals |
Now that the bumble bees have left us, YYC's Young Citizen Scientists have shifted their sights to birds. Birds are all around us, yet many bird species are at risk. As citizen scientists we can learn to identify the birds that are around us, and submit our observations to the website eBird.org. Scientists and conservationists can use the data we submit to help protect species at risk.
Who Am I? |
The temperature was 20 degrees below zero so we were stuck inside for some of our activities. First we each became a part of the food web but we didn't know which part! Our friends helped us out. Insects, plants, birds, animals are all connected and each play an important role in our ecosystems.
Biodiversity Questing |
Recording Observations |
Up in a Tree |
We all bundled up to head outside for our Biodiversity Quest. Would this fresh dump of snow cover up all forms of life? No way! Still lots to see and discover. And even more fun in the snow.
Bird ID Focus Cards |
Back inside to learn some tips to help us identify the birds we see. These focus cards helped a lot.
Our Nature and Field Journal anchors us to our project. It's a place to record observations, learn more about birds, and best of all keep track of all the "I Wonder" questions that naturally come up when we're exploring in nature. All of our wonderings will be a great spring-board to our own inquiry-based projects as we go forward in the school year.
Black-Capped Chickadee |
Great-Horned Owl |
Each student has begun to research and sketch their own focus bird. They'll have their eyes open for these birds when we go out on our bird walk next time!
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