A bee is a bee is a bee?

We jumped right in this morning learning all about bees! Chelsey from CPAWs told us there are almost 20,000 species of bees and over 250 of those are bumble bees. Wow! We rely on bees to pollinate some of our yummiest food: chocolate, strawberries, and blueberries.

"Something I learned today that surprised me was that bee's come in many different colors. Also that bee's don't sting you if you don't go after them or harm them. My favourite thing so far is how we learned all sorts of things about bee's."     -Jennifer and Laiba

We then made our own fuzzy bumble bees out of pipe cleaners. We found out that as Citizen Scientists we'll need to take great photos of the bumble bees we find so we went out to practice our photography skills with the bees we made.

And, finally, we learned to upload our photos to the computer. Nice work young citizen scientists!

 Tomorrow's a big day. Looking forward to finding real live bumble bees!
