This blog will help you stay on track with your pledge to Citizen
Science. Every month there will be a challenge, a video
or a guest blog post.
What you need to do: when there are challenges, submit your comments or answers in the blog comments or photos to education@greencalgary.org. Check the blog monthly!
When you go out on your nature walks or start your own citizen science project make sure you have:
1. Your scientist thinking cap, heighten your senses…what do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell!
2. Appropriate clothing. What is the weather forecast saying? Prepare for the weather…don’t forget the sunscreen!
3. Your nature field journal or a notebook, along with something to write with.
4. Binoculars or a magnifying glass, if you have some!
5. Safety in mind! Abide by the COVID-19 protocols. Bring hand sanitizer, social distance from others you may see, cough/sneeze into your elbow or sleeve and have a face mask if you plan to go inside anywhere.
6. Respect – be respectful of the nature you see around you. Do not pick wild flowers, or step on ant hills – let it be!
First of all, scientists need our
help! Second, you will be entered into a draw for an exciting prize if
you participate in the challenges! The prize will be a collection of nature
equipment and supplies to help you become the best Citizen Scientist you
can be!
We will be in touch next month, but for now – be safe and get ready to
take some action! Here is your first challenge…find these 3 birds species and
submit them to eBird.
Bird #1: American Robin
Bird #2: Black-capped chickadee
Bird #3: Northern Flicker
Tune in next month for the next challenge!
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