Imagine if every student in Alberta could be greeted at school by these lovely murals? What an uplifting welcome to Louis Riel School today as we brought our Bird Citizen Science program to the Grade 3s.
The morning air was crisp, but we worked to keep our bodies warm by trying to guess, Who Am I? This gave us a glimpse into the web of life, as well as our part in it!
We learned about some local bird species and noticed during the program some noisy American Crows building a nest. We also saw a flock of Snow Geese flying overhead. A couple of Ring-billed Gulls scavenged the playground for recess snack leftovers. This offered a visual reminder of how important it is to keep trash in its place!
Students found up to ten different examples of biodiversity in and around their schoolyard during their Biodiversity Colour Quest. The nest box in their naturalization area was being used by a pair of House Sparrows. It seems they could have some fledglings emerging before the end of the school year!
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