In the Shoes of a Citizen Scientist

Today we have a special blog post from the winners of our Citizen Science Blog Contest! I'll turn this space over to the Grade 5/6's of Ms. Saunders' class!

Working with Green Calgary and CPAWS was inspiring and exciting. We learned about different biotic and abiotic organisms by playing a game and asking each other yes and no questions. We learned about the importance of the web of life and that if even one organism is gone, it will impact the entire food chain. 

Vanessa and Stephanie created a hilarious and informative skit about birds around Calgary and how we can use e-bird to help scientists track birds in Calgary. This week we have all chosen a bird to research and learn more about and tomorrow we get to go on a bird walk with a birding expert. We can’t wait to hear and see all different kinds of birds! We wonder… will we see our chosen birds?
