We can all help to save the bees

We have learned to love the wild Alberta bees. Now, what can we do to help protect some of these species at risk? Seed bombs! Bee hotels!

Many thanks to ALCLA Native Plants (http://www.alclanativeplants.com/) for donating local wildflower seeds to roll into these seed bombs. We'll all become guerrilla gardeners and launch these balls into empty lots and alley ways, where they'll grow into flowers to feed the bees!

And bee hotels! Solitary bees will find a home in the hotels we made from bamboo. We've taken away so much of their habitat so we're happy to give back in our small way.

We ended our day with one last action to help the bees. We made and signed cards to send to our municipal, provincial and federal leaders to help them remember the bees when making important decisions that could affect their habitat. We also signed cards to thank our funders. Thanks TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Alberta Ecotrust for making this week happen!

 Stephanie (Green Calgary), Chelsey (CPAWS), and Talia (our tireless Green Calgary volunteer)

Thanks to the leaders and kids at the Boys and Girls Club for inviting us into their space this week to share our program with them. We'll miss you and hope to keep in touch!
